Patricia Acebes

I am a quantitative and information technology economist, with a physical disability, (recognized by the Spanish government). I have a wide knowledge of statistical packages like SPSS, MATLAB, eviews, and currently working with Spark, Hadoop, R, Python, Scala, and blockchain.


Research human factor and AI ethics. Data scientist .Tech mentor, health data decision. Asturias_AI (Spain_AI)

Conoce a otros miembros del equipo

Manuel Cebrian

Manuel Cebrian

Manuela Gamonal asturias AI

Manuela Gamonal

María del Carmen Rodríguez-AragonAI

María del Carmen Rodríguez 

LuisEduardo De Miguel Aragon AI

Luis Eduardo de Miguel


Rafael Castillo Alcibar


Francisco Carrero


Mónica Blanco


Miguel Angel Aragón