BCN CityAI (deep) winter event

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Barcelona CityAI is going to be a 2 hour gatherings for Artificial Intelligence practitioners focusing on lessons learned from applying AI. There will be 3 talks of 20 mins of industry peers sharing insights and advices based on hands-on experiences applying Computer Vision and Machine learning. Don’t loose the oportunity to ask some do’s & dont’s to real experts. We will also host the first Barcelona talk of Yolanda Lannquist from the Future Society, which is an AI policy think-tank incubated at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government.

The Speakers of Barcelona CityAI #1 are managers of multinationals establishing and growing their AI teams in Barcelona. They will present us their workflows, teams and some use cases:

Albert Pujol PHD in Computer Vision and Lead of the Computer vision and Machine learning platform development team in Satellogic and Data Science advisor at The Hotels Network.

Rafa Gimenez Water 4.0 Research Area Manager at Cetaqua – Suez Environnement

Tarek R. Besold AI Lead of the Alpha Health AI Lab and topic leader/senior research scientist for «Trustworthy AI»

Finnally, Yolanda Lannquist from the Future Society will give us a talk entitled:Policy & Ethics in AI

This event description is subjected to some changes and adjusts, always with the aim of improve it.

At BCN City AI we’re building a non-profit community lead initiative, a high-profile network, providing engaging events. Get involved => write Juan Luis Rosa at !



Tarek Besold


Rafa Giménez


Albert Pujol


Yolanda Lannquist

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Organizer of BCN AI (deep) winter event

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